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How will I receive job offers

We use 3 different methods:
  1. Email
  2. Text message
  3. Phone call
In the first instance, you will normally get an availability request by email.

Read it carefully and either click on YES I ACCEPT or NO I DECLINE.

You might then get a second Information Update email if things have changed.

Then you will either get a booking confirmation email, meaning you are confirmed and you must not drop out after this point or a pencil release email meaning you have not been chosen for this job.

Text Message:

Sometimes if things need to happen quicker we will send you a text messaging to contact you about a job offer. Make sure you:
  • Reply quickly stating if you are free or not free
  • Use the code word requested in the text so we can identify your response
  • Do not reply if not free
Phone call:

If things are more complex to explain we may call you directly to ask about your availability.

Important to remember:

Make sure you also make a note in your diary of the name of the booker, the date you are needed and the name of the production it is for. This will save confusion if you start getting multiple job offers.

Once you confirm for a job it is essential that you do not drop out and keep the whole day free.

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